Our Heart Themes
Sound & Meditation Journeys

Welcome to Our
HeArt Shop
We create HeArt. Inspired, channelled, translated and transposed from the Heart.
Bridge to New Earth. Mystic Heart Zenith Experiences with the Magic of Nature
Music, Stories, and Wisdom, recorded in 432 Hz.
Experiential Unlearning to your Passion Pieces. Audios. Stories & Sound. Paintings & Craft & Upcoming Books.
Ask for your unique creation
Original Story,Sound & Spririt Medicine Art
LightSpirit Quests to enlighten your life, children, endeavors +++
LightSpirits come to you on your journey to shift into 5 D and higher vibration.
The Magic of Story, Sound & Spirit Medicine Art is Mystic, Metaphoric and Metamorphic. Light, Powerful & Sweet.
Power or Spirit animals speak through us from the Heart to Awakening your Magic and journey.
Enjoy the enchanting magic In your Space and at your Pace to evolve in the Flow with Wayki and his friends.
Dynamic Stories that upgrade and update your heart anytime you listen if you allow it to unfold.
Easy and enjoyable for Children and Adults alike
The classes are also perpetual - anytime you go in-you find a new treasure to evolve and embrace your path
Available in English, Check out some in Auf Deutch and en Español
Access & Attune. Link & Sync to Create
Ascension Catalysts are switching on the light.
Heart Awakening for Ascension Archetypes
All give you access to your Heart to raise your consciousness;
attuned to the Aquarian Age, Source & Cosmic Vibes
Chakana Compass
Nexus and Access Points 2023
A range of Experiences, and there is more to come.
Yes, we can do this together.

Ascension Catalysts Audio Courses
Ana Cecilia´s HeArt
Through the lenses of the heart,
Ana Cecilia always experienced her world.
The beauty and sacredness. The wonder of life.
In colours and energy to paper and canvas,
and with her gifted hands into the craft,
her eyes, take her to the beauty beyond, through photography and so much more.
Life took her to business and education, but she has returned to her HeArt,
reconnecting to the magic of music playing the drums, and a range of percussions,
To weave harmony & love, light & peace for you to enjoy
Paintings and her Sound, as well as
Dreamcatchers, Suncatchers & Crafts, and whatever inspires her,
You can choose a physical or digital version.
Or ask for a special creation.