Our Heart Themes

What People Say
"Thank you, thank you - it has been an amazing few days. I have played the activation over the last few days and WOW!
I waited for the 31st which was the Black Moon, very powerful for the first activation session:
I felt myself soaring to a light-filled temple which resonated with love.
Calmness and the sensation of coming "home" settled within me and soothed me.
As you played your flute to assist the activation energy from Source filled me and my body began to vibrate. This assisted in the release and clearing of fear and the illusion of failure. Replacing these feelings with connectedness and oneness, the thread of knowledge through time of what I was and am and will be - imprinted into my DNA.
As you spoke Light Language heat began to pulsate from my hands and moved up my arms, and all my chakra centres began to pulsate with heat and light.
Blessings to you, and I am humbled and honoured by your gift.
Love and light"
Bronwynn H. - Midwife
Auckland, NZ

Bruno R. - Veterane

"I worked with Patrick & Cecie with their music, metaphor’s and meditations, as part of my own healing journey. I throughly enjoyed the unique creation of Patrick & Cecie’s work, which I found very relaxing and therapeutic. I also had significant shifts when I listened to the metaphors. I highly recommend working with Patrick & Cecie. Both of them are deeply humble, and they will truly guide to ignite the magic within you!"
Meena M.
Holistic Integrative Therapist
"I attended a wonderful 4-week Meditation programme, led by Patrick and Cecie, where each week they created beautiful, personalized meditations for our group. The meditations, designed to deepen our spiritual practice and move us along our respective paths of spiritual enlightenment, did provide exactly what was promised, Patrick's unique blend of spirituality, intellect, musical ability, keen listening skills, and intuition, made the programme enchanting and inspiring. I highly recommend him"
Elizabeth T. - Founder & CEO

"Patrick es un excelente profesional, con mucha experiencia. Rescato su calidad humana, y compromiso, siempre dispuesto ayudar con su expertise y guías.
Sus recomendaciones han sido de mucho valor
en los pasos que he venido dando para mi crecimiento profesional y personal"
Lisi B. - Directora Regional Proyectos - Santiago de Chile
"Conversar con Patrick siempre me hace sentir más relajada. Adicionalmente, puedo escuchar la flauta varías veces porque tengo las melodías grabadas.
¡Su trabajo es muy especial, lo recomiendo mucho!"
Diana A. - Data Strategy Management - Lima, Peru