What a year?
How was it for you?
To say the least a turbulent year
In this December issue
New School
Private Metamorphosis
Conferences, Retreats, Tour 2024
AccessPoint Heart is where the Heart meets, the bridge the key into #Harmonicstatesofbeing. The #cosmicguide
We harmonise all we do to the #CosmicVibe and make it a #HarmonicVibe so you can enjoy and ride the wave into the Heart.
Sonic Sonqos’ CosmicGuides had another awakening into new dimensions to heal separation and allow us to be #harmonicstatesofbeing
Cecie to read signs, in nature, mountains, clouds and of course in smoke and ashes
Patrick to read the signs of the #cosmicvibes (the new octaves of frequencies, energies, vibrations and light) that come through from the cosmos.
#Translating, #transposing and learning the #cosmicvibes to access #HarmonicStatesofBeing
So, we are sharing and teaching. So we can meet at AccessPoint Heart for this Evolutionary Leap to shift together.
#Selfdiscovery to unite and enjoy our #harmonicmetamorphosis together.
A crucial #ChoicePoint. For our collective consciousness
Our own Rebranding Metamorphosis
Brought us more clarity, relatedness, intrepidness, consciousness and connectedness.
Very blessed and excited.
Our metamorphic and evolved #messages and voice are attuned to the current cosmic vibes and our hearts.
New School Vibe
The Chakana School is shaping into the Dream it was always meant to be.
It took courage, wisdom, guidance and YOU.
A School for New Earth Dreamers and Leading Lights, Ascension Archetypes, the Curious, Courageous and Ready.
Four faculties now Consciousness Architecture (yes we are teaching it)
School of the Heart
Shamanic Link & Cosmic Sync
Beyond Munay Ki
The First Summer School opening on December 12, 2023 for the portal day.
Stay tuned.
Private Metamorphosis
How to name our work with individuals, couples, pets and their owners was always hard to name.
Very happy with Private Metamorphosis.
Let us know where you are at and we journey with you and the Dragonfly beyond.
Conferences, Retreats, Tour 2024
A German Conference: Whales and Dolphins: Communication of the Heart
A new LightSpirit Quest is coming up for the conference. The Story of a Whale, story and sound, Audio Series with Classes in English and German
A Conference Retreat in Jamaica. Greenwich. In May.
And there is more in Jamaica and Germany to be announced in June and July
Our Mystic Music is ready for the new octaves too, a few more 432 hz mystic flutes.

Find out more in the Video on our YouTube Channel