Inner Peace can be a treasure and gift.
a concept or a wish.
really it is always here
Prose and poise an original
Choice of a #heartsynced story
from hammock. #PatricksPhronesis and Praxis.
May inner peace revealed find its way into your heart
“When inner peace came my way
I did not realize i did not have to pay,
Neither something I could run away.
Inner peace revealed simply like a magic clay
Inner peace revealed changed the game.
No longer chasing an empty frame
Not longer held in invalid shame.
No longer in the need to blame.
Inner peace revealed invoked my sight.
Beyond a world of conflict and fight,
Seemingly loosing a natural might.
Beyond a world seemingly taking the right.
of women and men who are of the light.
Welcome to infinite inner peace revealed.
My fort and power and yet a shield.
Inner peace revealed, the Holy Grail
Inner peace revealed is always here
Just open your heart and enjoy its mere.
As you to step up to dare”
Patrick Sonqo - Talumewu.
(C) 2022