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Patrick Yenga Sonqo

Where do you meet others? In your Mental State or in your Heart?

Where do you meet others? In your Mental State or in your Heart?
Your mental state or your heart

Does this question call you inside of you?

Do you wonder how you enter in situations of conflict, confrontation and misunderstanding?

Are you aware?

Do you feel where you are meet by others?

Do you find it easy to connect and meet others, professionally, privately and even family?

Where is the challenge?

What space are you making for others?

Is your mind full of empty?

I recently was blessed to awake to meeting others in a multidimensional consciousness based in 6D. It is quite awesome when we take that moment to tune and be aware of where we are meeting someone. It can be easier for our interactions and relations. It does not mean we ignore our state of mind, but at least we can be aware. When we meet others in our heart, we create space of love and compassion, connectedness and relatedness in general. Let’s explore more here together.

I even like to empty my mind and be clear how and where I meet another and where they meet me. This is not a mental or energetic invasion but an embracing reading of the energy that greets me, so I can be compassionate.

When we can prepare for meetings of any kind, in the consciousness of mind and heart, awareness of our mental state, agenda and multidimensionality focus, we have a choice about Self and how to meet, greet and relate with another.

Let’s explore the State of Mind and the Heart and how we meet another consciously. My story is here to make it real.

Where is Your Mental State or State of Mind ?

We can see our state of mind as the quality of our consciousness or unconsciousness, and how it relates to the world outside of us, mixed up and coloured by our inner thoughts, beliefs, limitations, positions, expectations, intentions, emotions, and mood, but also our imagination and memory. Often, we are unaware where we are, unprepared, and in an automatic state of thinking, doing, and being. So, yes our encounters could be quite entangled and complicated.

Mindfulness is a great start, as it brings our attention to being aware of our mental state, senses, emotions and feelings, however there is still much unknown and always unexpected.

How do you know where you truly meet another?

How do you know where you truly meet another?

When we are mindful, we can check in: Am I depressed, negative, welcoming, frustrated, joyful, judgemental, critical (curious or negative) in my state of mind?

We are often unconsciously ruled by our judgements and habits, holding us to feel safe and keep our comfort, maybe our hidden fears.

Our mental states are dynamic, they change all the time with internal and external triggers. In general, the mind of homo sapiens (women and men of the mind) is based in suffering, survival, scarcity, separation, control, competition, conquest, colonisation and judgement of everything that is out of these paradigms. In a way, this is our safe state, program and operating system, until we wake up and realize it does not have to be that way. As a mystic, I am happy to unlearn from homo sapiens and evolve to homo luminous, harmonic states of being. I am grateful for the homo sapiens learnings and to let go and graduate from this cycle of human evolution. We are yet to explore the mind of homo luminous through operating system heart.

I am not a neuroscientist, but I am clear we can look at this from many different perspectives. You choose what makes sense to you, and resonates in all fields of your consciousness (multimentionality). All is connected, spiritual, neuroscience, quantum physics, spiral dynamics, positive intelligence +++ 

We are currently breaking mindsets, stories and conditions that are holding us in the lower densities, both uniquely and collectively. An exciting time for our current human experience to evolve to #HomoLuminous (women and men of the light) based in the Heart (Consciousness), connectedness, collaboration, love, gratitude, compassion, uniqueness.

It is not easy to separate our Self, our persona, and mental state from how and where we are meeting another.

We are also controlled by our mind games of victim, hyper-achiever, hyper-rational, hyper-vigilance, stickler, avoider, restless, controller and pleaser, known as the saboteur roles in Positive Intelligence. This is also related to the drama triangle roles in Transactional Analysis. However, it is all the same. Unless we are aware and consciously choose our Inner Sage, we are unconsciously trapped in the master saboteur, the Judge (the language of Positive Intelligence). It takes #SelfAwareness #SelfHealing #SelfRealisation #SelfEmbrace to truly get out of our mind games and mind control.

We are supported by the ascension, as in the end of cycles, especially from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. And we have a choice to dance to the rhythms of the cosmos, to embrace and embody:

  • New Paradigms.

  • New Directions.

  • New Relations with Self

  • New Dimensions.

This is the dance from mind-based to heart-based (homo sapiens to homo luminous), even New Earth is here already. We can live in 5 or 6 D currently (Self Realisation & Self Evolution).

If you are reading this, you may enjoy the unique choice that is presented to you here.

My Story of Mental State or Heart

We are all still on a journey, a process to evolve.

I was still in victim, stickler and avoidance, even if the number is low like 1.4 out of 10, it means there are still residues.

At it is important to be aware, I learned to know what still triggers me in 6D.

  • My old victim suffers for being misunderstood.

  • My old stickler fears someone is trying to take away my freedom.

  • My old avoider can go into the hermit space.

All these saboteur roles can play with us, holding us in mental slavery and unaware. When we meet others, we are often reacting from these roles.

My Sage Powers are to hold every one in love and compassion, my conscious choice, freedom to explore and be unique, innovate and flow, activate and map which happens to be very much my nature and my compass of the heart.

What is your true #nature?

Beyond the Saboteur, the judgement and the habits that set the scene to meet others.

How can you be more #compassionate when others meet you in a strange place?

You can use your #SagePowers and #ZenithPresence to ease the tension, pressure or density.

The Zenith Presence is the highest consciousness we can choose and is accessible to us.

Be aware, our judgment does hold us back and may limits our way we meet others and how we relate.

Here are my Six Ingredients to break my old stories and set free to create that Magic Space to meeting others:

I. Creating a #MagicSpace

Embracing the one I Am meeting in Love and Compassion, and where they are at. A conscious choice that helps me to understand how to gauge the meeting and conversation. I let them know that I meet them in that space, so we can explore together.

II. #Connect and #Relate with #Nature

I love to walk barefoot in Nature, Live in Nature, Connect to Nature and surrender to Nature & Mystic #ZenithExperiences and #NatureImmersion.

It makes me realise - we don’t really need to do anything, all is already in Harmony, and we are together.

III. Enjoy #Music and #Sound

I love listening, creating and composing my own music, often in nature, and at home with the jungle orchestra.

IV. #Stargazing and #Communing with Source & my Guides

V. #Emptying mind, falling into my Heart, and enjoy boundlessness, inner peace and oneness.

VI. Letting my #HeartFire burn:

  • Shining and being light

  • Burning away what holds me

  • Expressing and living my passion freely

  • Living and choosing my ZenithPresence to share and care

What roles play our habits, persona, customs, identity traps and attachments when we meet others?

We actually limit our Self to unlearn and meet something new, beyond our own mental state and perceptions.

Others are unique, as we are, except we are complying, fawning, fitting to boxes that are not our truths.

We can only meet them when we don’t try to shape them according to our mental concepts and states.

When we look through the lenses of our limitations, our sight and potential is limited. In that mental state we are discussing and try to make our way superior and absolute to win - at the same time, we don’t meet others in their fullness.

What are you #accustomed to?

How do you #connect & #relate?

Do you really meet others where they are in their fullness

It is a conscious mind that can empty all its preconditions, limitations, moods, and thoughts to meet another.

This is where we meet you as the Sonqos in Sonqos' Worlds.

I give you the space of my empty mind to receive you in my Heart Consciousness.

It is easier now, collectively and uniquely, as we are moving into Aquarius, however it takes all of us to be aware and making the choice to make this evolutionary leap, unique to YOU. But no one can make you. It is your choice.

While both, state of mind and heart, can be in synergy and love, it is not always easy.

Do not limit your interactions with kindred spirits where everything flows, but allow your Self take on the challenge and meet others, who are different.

They say, if you grow and evolve a lot, meet the family.

This is where you know where you truly at.

In conclusion, we can't really say we can ignore, control or fight our mental state of mind. We have a choice to meet someone there, aware or in mindfulness. So let us now open the Heart to expand our potential to truly meet another.

What is the Heart?

The Heart here stands for #HeartConsciousness or #HeartCenteredness, that is the energy centre of Self, not the Chakra, that refers to the energy centres or eyes of light in the physical body. The heart stands for the I AM within and beyond the physical and human experience of this life. Not the higher Self. The heart is always there, it is like a Source Fractal, a part of God or the universe.

We find Heart Consciousness in Rumi and many other sacred and mystic texts. Spirituals refer to the path of enlightenment and ascension. The mystic experience is about a way to permeate and perpetuate the oneness with the divine, without specific being, like God. Being "the ocean in the drop", as Rumi coined it.

The Heart is seen as a compass, the true north of our life’s choices, learnings, mission, and passion in harmony, wisdom, and love with the divine. This is the longing and yearning that we always experience when we are in our physical body, to recconect to this heart and awakening to the mystic heart, the great I Am.

Heart Fire
Awakening to the Mystic Heart

The Heart Fire is a way to Access Living from this Heart, it is given to us:

  • To make that connection to the Great I Am

  • To burn away what holds us back

  • To live and express our passion, fully aligned

  • To eminate and elevate our Zenith Presence as we are shifting into Homo Luminous co-creating and weaving New Earth together.

In some texts and experiences, we also understand that the human mind falls consciously into the Heart. This is called enlightenment. However, Ramana Maharshi says, "it is not a meditative experiences,, it is our multidimensional conscious being present to both, the Human and Infinite I AM". This is where we find the Heart Fire, (re)birthing and igniting.

It is said, the most important heart is the spiritual heart, which is found slightly to the right of the body's chest. This heart is only visible to dedicated spiritual seekers, whose path is to discover the True Self dwelling within.

Spiritual Heart or Mystic Heart

All Names of the Heart are referring to the experience of recconecting the Heart, the true infinite SELF.

What name resonates when you feel and know this Harmony of Existence?

Here we are in Harmonic States of Beingness. Just the vibration of Truths, LOVE, Boundlessness, Presentness, Creativeness, Nothingness, Bliss, Lightness, embracing one’s world without judgement, flowing naturally, nothing to do, nothing to say, and yet it is pure love and creative force known. Mystic or Spiritual Heart do not separate or judge, they are and embrace their uniqueness.

In this heart, we can access our Heart Fire, here we can choose our Zenith Presence accessible at this time, 5, 6,7,8th dimension.

The Mystic Heart refers to this oneness with source and the consciousness we are here to evolve in a human form, from homo sapiens to homo luminous, to co-create and weave a New Earth. Many of us are already living in New Earth.

The Mystic Sufis talk about the Chambers of the heart when they go to higher states of beingness in whirling dervishes.

So, what happens when we meet someone in the Heart?

All layers of human limitations, judgements and mental states fade. We are in a natural and empty space. As we are evolving more and have more Access to Living from the Heart: Our Unique Choice, we can truly meet in love and compassion. When we meet heart to heart we communicate telepathically.

Your ChoicePoint - where do you want to meet and be met?

There is nothing wrong or bad about meeting in a State of Mind or in the Heart. It is about consciousness. Of course, we can talk about states of the mind without offending or dominating another.  If you read or watched the Celestine Prophesy, you can see it in one of the insight, where we no longer take energy from another.

Are you conscious about your state of mind?

Can you express without making another guilty for your control, limitations, anger, resentment and many others?

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Are you connected to the Heart?

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We love to be your Bridge to New Earth: Sound.Wisdom.Nature, always present.

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Do you want to Awaken to your Mystic Heart?    

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