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Writer's picturePatrick A. Sonqo

Understanding Relational Rhythms

Updated: Oct 6, 2019

Here we are looking at the basics of Relational Rhythms, which covers the part of connectedness. Apart from the Rhythms, understanding and expressing hidden Expectations, learning how to Collaborate & Compliment, making space for self, beloved or others in a work or education setting, making Conscious Choices ever time, creating real commitments & convictions, Flow & Grow. Go beyond comfort zones & vulnerability, to mentions the keys to Relational Magic.

Exploring the Hidden, the Shadow & Unconscious

What happens when you enter the worlds of Relational Rhythms?

You look at your three key relational connectedness or disconnectedness, awaken them into rhythms that allow to listen to self, your world and beyond.

The idea is to tap into the sacred codes of self, our true expression in the world and connectedness to a quantum, multi-dimensional & neo-system world view and perspective.

When you enter the Space of Relational Rhythms you are revisiting your connectedness around Collaboration & Engagement– as an expression of Connectedness and Inclusion & Diversity:the connectedness of One People, One Heart, One Spirit,

What would it do for you?

When you start connecting to your Self, Your World, and beyond you open up a space for you. You enter a horizon, that allows you to understand your mind, duality & polarity, categorising & analysis, the conscious & the unconscious in a different context. You see what holds you in your subconscious, locking up your ability to experience your potential, your creativity, your connectedness with the divine, in your unique and authentic way.

What will change in your life when you do our Master Course?

You will work through three modules, one for the intra, one for the inter, and one for the trans connectedness. You will shift your pain and conflict, and your disconnectedness from spirit and experience your rhythms and flow. You will learn conviction to your own unlearning. You will have many tools to live your life in these rhythms, know how to get back, and grow. You will learn to shift your pain, accept and bless it, you will learn to make peace with your conflict and you will bring your wholeness together into your heart.

You will expand your consciousness, your choice, and your options to live with yourself and others exponentially.

What does it mean?

You look at a connectedness in three worlds, your intra, inter and trans world. You look at this longing of connections individually and together. You observe the elements, the energy, the qualities and the behaviour. You explore the shadow of each, their unconscious part, you learn to unlock the shadow pain and conflict and liberate yourself into the choice points.

What can you leave behind?

Relational Rhythms will show expectations and traps, labels and customs, with all their impacts and influences that are hiding deep in your unconscious.

Who did we create Relational Rhythms for?

Initially, for those who are awakening and ready to unlock their potential, a matter of Self Mastery. Those who are truly ready to look deep within.

All Relational Rhythms include the Intra, inter and trans – connectedness.

After many years of working with couples, of course Relational Rhythms can take you into the space of the Beloved, to your inter-connectedness and rhythm in your world is your Beloved.

Relations in a work space the inter connectedness looks at rhythms and dynamics of clients, teams and leaders is their world. it can involve engagement, collaboration, inclusion & diversity.

In an Educational Space we look at the connectedness in your world with students, teams, and public.

How can your experience Relational Rhythms?

· We create some free content in blogs, videos, and free Master Classes.

· We integrate Relational Rhythms in our Coaching and Sessions.

· We offer an Online Master Course for the Novice with Content, Context, Concept, Shifting Ceremony, Spirit Medicine, Affirmations, and Meditation for 21 days, and a personal online class after every Module.

The Wiz Course includes Yoga, Pranayama, and Mantras to deepen the transformation, and experience of the Relational Rhythms.

· We can also offer Relational Rhythms Retreats & Workshops by request

· We can create content and facilitate at summits, conference, or keynotes

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