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Patrick Yenga Sonqo

Ready for a NewEarth Key? Your Mystic HeartFire

Updated: Mar 2, 2024

A Journey of HeartLiving Mastery

By Patrick Yenga Sonqo

When I heard the story of Kim Kindersley, Filmmaker of “The Whaledreamer”,  he was referencing the name of the Heart and Fire, being the same word in an  Aboriginal language in Australia. It was so clear to me, that here is a #NewEarth #Key. While being from the #Worlds of the #Heart, #SonqosWorlds and our #Ascension Services are all related to the Heart to give access to New Earth and heart-centred living.

We are all about the shift, metamorphosis and evolution to homo luminous with the operating system Heart.

You may ask your Self. What burns in my Heart? How can I live from the Heart? Here it is a #NewEarth Key: Your #Mystic #HeartFire. We all have it and we are here to rekindle with you so you can enjoy HeartLiving with your HeartFire.

We love to be Heart Bridges and Guides to the Grand Awakening of the Heart to Heart Consciousness, the #Mystic #HeartFire was truly a missing key.

We have broken and raised our consciousness. We have seen into our fears and shadows and embraced them. We ride this wave in reverence and LOVE to create, collaborate and author from the HEART. So, so grateful for the remembrance of the HeartFire.

I have been activating HeartLights & Rhythms and Songs & Rhythms, for many years, and yet, the Fire often gets lost. We all want to be so zen.

The story about heart and fire being one word also refers to the whales. So much to yet discover, rekindle and unlock.

The #HeartFire is a different aspect of our journey of mastery and as a leading light

Yes, a metaphor.

In this blog, I share with you the mystic meaning of the fire and the #Quadtruple #HeartFire as given to me.

What does fire do for you?

Firstly, it stands for divine passion and courage; secondly, igniting and all-embracing love; thirdly, the shamanic meaning takes us into the element of purifying and cleansing; fourthly, the energy of transformation and rebirth. The fire of Spirit is reality.

Can you imagine rekindling the Fire in the HEART?

Yes, a multidimensional explosion It is a vital Key to NewEart, exponential, exhilarating, extraordinary. The #Quadruple #HeartFire is ready to go live in you and for you. When we dare to attune and access, link and sync to create, co-create, author, compose, sing, weave, dance and dream NewEarth into being so we can enjoy the uniqueness of #HeartLiving together in unity, complimenting and contributing the HeArt and GoldPrint of HomoLuminous.

Why is the NewEarth Key: Your Mystic HeartFire important now?

We are living in a time of transformation, the end of times and into new. The natural processional cycle that takes away what is old and outgrown. A time of deconstructing and unplugging, disidentifying and letting go. I am referring to the end of the Piscean Age and the beginning of the Aquarian Age, which I want to use symbolically for all other Indigenous and other cultures. Fire is the fastest way to release. Often we are already finished but we may still carry the energy. #Fire is seen as a #divine, living and spiritual energy that keeps us connected as we remember this fire in the heart we are entering the #Mystic #HeartFire.

What is the NewEarth Key: Your Mystic HeartFire?

a Quadruple HeartFire?

  1. The HeartFire of Transformation to attune to your True Self

  2. The HeartFire of Zeal, Zest and Zing with Courage and Harmony

  3. The HeartFire of Rebirthing and Phoenixing to HeartAwakening

  4. The HeartFire of Creation: The Choice & Voice of LOVE

1. The HeartFire of Transformation to attune to our true Self

In general, fire is the fastest way of transmutation and purification, in open fire, candle, or smoke. When we illuminate the stuck, dense and shadow with our HeartFire we dare to truly eliminate through all space and time, dimensions and realms. The HeartFire calls us to engage and embrace, to immerse and emerge. Here we also call in the Fire Dragons and Tigers to joinery with us, as we embrace our Shadow to resonate and remember our True Self.

2. The HeartFire of Zeal, Zest and Zing Courage and Harmony

As we rekindle this divine Zeal, Zest and Zing we activate and remember our courage to come back into Harmony and its sacred rhythms. It is here that we dare to trust in our sacredness and connectedness. It is here that we allow the affluence and flow born from our wholeness in sync with all there is. The Sacred Rhythms that we remember here allow us to dance and sing again to the infinity of wisdom, our being, earth, cosmos and the divine.

3. The HeartFire of Rebirthing and Phoenixing of HeartAwakening

This year 2024 is for many astrologers, guides and other experts a year of deconstruction and rebirthing of our unique gifts. The HeartFire plays an important role in this year’s energy and vibrational support that we are receiving from the cosmos and earth. This Rebirth is the evolutionary and quantum leap into New Earth but also our wholeness, the aquarian age and collective enlightenment. The access to the Harmonic States of Being and higher dimensions.

4. The HeartFire of Creation The Choice & Voice of LOVE

Here we align and sync to the cycles and rhythms of Creation. It takes us into Divine LOVE. The divine LOVE that we truly are and how we can access and attune, link and sync to create with choice and voice. This is a true journey of Mastery.  There are keys and codes, seeds and vibes to make it happen.

Yes, it is important to access and enjoy the Quadruple HeartFire to fully evolve at this time. We are in this together.

We all have this NewEarth Key to our Mystic HeartFir.e. The question is "Are we ready to rekindle, stoke and nurture it to ride the wave of the heart at this time of Ascension into a new Golden Age?

It is not a surprise that we were guided to create and offer a Retreat Season:

It is here that you remember and will be given the NewEarth Key to Your Mystic HeartFire

Rekindle your #HeartFire Codes & Keys, Seeds & Vibes of Heart Creation. As you rekindle your Quadruple HeartFire to deconstruct, heal and rebirth you can dance to its divine rhythms.

Rekindle  your HeartFire.  HeartLiving Mastery
NewEarth Key: Your Mystic HeartFire

Stay tuned as it is manifesting in Peru to kick off end of March/April, Jamaica in May, Ibiza possibly in August, and Iceland has appeared to too.

At this stage are open to go where you are in Europe.

We are inviting collaborators for the retreats to give us a local knowledge about venues, and understanding of local fresh and organic food, as we are preparing your food. You could have a local group or friends who are interested, or we could organise to get participants to join from outside.

We already have a collaborator for Ibiza and are still kind of home in Jamaica.

But open to other locations in Europe.

There will be a total of seven retreats in this season from March to August.

Rekindle your HeartFire Retreats include:

4 participants or 4 couples. intimate, extraordinary and exclusive each time.

4 days Retreat immersive and emerging.

At a pace that allows you to connect, immerse, internalise, share and evolve. We are holding you in this frequency of the HeartFire with Wisdom, Sound, Spirit & Ceremony Medicine Art.

We facilitate a Transformational and Experiential Immersion and Emergence to YOU.

Two meals per day, prepared by Ana Cecilia and a snack should you get peckish. Plant-Based Culinary Art - as organic as possible in your space. We care about your Vitality and Wellbeing.

Please note, that we may not know the cost of food in your area, and we may need to charge extra should it get out of our budget.

If accommodation applies, our local collaborators will support us, mostly with a house, and you will be able to pay for your room additionally.


Movement and our original sound for meditation, illuminations, and initiations.

33 days of integration. In these 33 days, you can share your integration and syncing experiences, and a private master class for you is also included.

Gathering in September 2024 with all participants.

Once your HeartFire is rekindled, you are connected till the end of this retreat season - but always. As your unique and our collective HeartFire is Unwavering, Perpetual and Boundless.

We are ready. let us know what location suits you or where you would like us to bring this NewEarth Key to you. Our options are Peru, Lamas in April, Jamaica in May or Ibiza in August. We can come to you in Europe in July 2024

Check out more here

There is a waiting list and we will talk to you individually to get you on board.

We are also grateful to hear from you, should you be interested in being a collaborator in your location.

Much love from my HeartFire to YOURS.

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